On Fri, 02 Dec 2005 11:03:31 +0000, "Pastor Frank"
Post by Pastor FrankAnd why is it most fundamentalists worship that damn BOOK more than
any of the gods in it?
Too bad most interpretations sound like an elementary school's 3rd
grade piccolo class.
I think you just overshot the runway and crashed. LOL Your comments tell
us, that you have a tin ear when it comes to spiritual music and no ability
to even hear, nor yet comprehend anything philosophical. You might as well
pack it up and go where your friends hang out. I will post you over to them.
Obviously, you've never heard a third grade's piccolo class.
but I did notice how you snipped every worthwhile point I made in
favor of the 'piccolo' comment... here... in case you just 'forgot' to
Post by Pastor FrankThat is why we have Fundamentalists, who adhere to the Bible literally,
So why can we have 100 groups of "fundamentalists" who all point
fingers at each other screaming 'you're wrong!'?
Are the Snake Handlers the TRUE christians? How about the hateful Pat
Robertsons of the world? Surely the Branch Dividians MUST be the true
Don't tell us... *YOU* follow the correct interpretation of the
bible... right?
Show me ONE sect who admits to following the wrong interpretation.
Show me ONE fundamentalist sect who doesn't have a MORE FUNDAMENTALIST
Post by Pastor Frankfor any attempt to "interpret" is always met with <winks> if not a howls of
protest from atheists and god-haters.
Every adherent to the bible is following their INTERPRETATION of that
book. None are truely following it literally, since it requires some
sort of interpretation to fit with today's real world.
Why do you call people who question your book.. BOOK....
And why is it most fundamentalists worship that damn BOOK more than
any of the gods in it?
Post by Pastor FrankThe great preacher of the world are
interpreting the Bible, applying its lessons to daily life. Interpreting is
a preacher's function, and like music variations on a theme, some
interpretations are rather good, if not brilliant.
Too bad most interpretations sound like an elementary school's 3rd
grade piccolo class.
Post by Pastor FrankWe Christians are well aware, that any interpretation is only
hypothetical and needs to be proved by the Holy Spirit.
By "holy spirit" you mean "sounds right to me", correct?
Post by Pastor FrankOnly committed
true-disbelieving atheists reject any and all interpretations, including the
literalist one.
Do you reject the literalist interpretations?
Does Jesus say "read my words and re-interpret them for the ages" or
does your Jesus say "obey me".
James, Seattle